Current Fees
$160/hour for individuals
$175/hour for couples and families
Cancellation Policy
Minimum 24 hours advance notification is required if you need to cancel or reschedule a session. Failure to attend a scheduled appointment, or cancelling an appointment with less than 24 hours notice may result in a charge of $100. This policy applies to first sessions as well as subsequent sessions. There is some flexibility for situations such as accidents and dangerous driving conditions.
Reduced Fee
Reduced fee services may be available in situations of financial need due to lower income brackets. We do not wish to limit our practice to those who can afford the market rate for services. If you feel you meet this criteria, please inquire prior to your first appointment by contacting us.
Please check the wording of your extended health benefits plan carefully to determine the parameters of your coverage. Psychological Services such as Counselling or Psychotherapy are provided in the Province of Ontario by a number of categories of Mental Health Professionals. Your plan may restrict coverage to certain categories. As an example, some plans only cover psychologists.
Wyn Fournier works as an independent Registered Social Worker, and receipts indicate this.